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Indsendt af: -1´


Indsendt af: 1


Indsendt af: 1


Indsendt af: kp

hi honey bunny, love the slideshow when we were berliners. lots of picts of cubalibras too!

Indsendt af: Miquel

yoooo sexxxy, you have the best images always. Love you, love you. And yes I love your guest book. Thanks for the images. Nobody has your red hat because it doesn´t exist. Kisses from BCN.

Indsendt af: Mads (Red Barnet Ungdom)

.... Girl

Jeg vidste du var god til at tage billeder til RB. Men at det er så omfattende, og mange billeder du har taget også i forbindelse med andre ting.
Det er alligevel en positiv overraskelse.
Fortsat god aften...
Vi er i finalen i Håndbold, og Danmarks Indsamlingen kører videre.



Indsendt af: ze´ luis

Go BAÑOSCA!!!! ;)
Very nice pictures Louise!

Indsendt af: Anne

Your website made your way to me and I shared it with some of my colleagues in the Education field. Here are some comments I thought you would appreciate: She is creating opportunity where opportunity has left. It´s wonderful and brave and I hope to one day be someone like her. I´ve seen so much poverty in India, there is such a divide in classes. More often than not, the poor don´t go to school. Making a difference seems like such a massive mountain to climb, but I suppose you do it one child at a time to start and work your way up. Truly inspirational and I wish her much success.

Indsendt af: Fatu

Hey Louise
Greetings from dusty Khartoum where your photos have given me goosebumps despite the 30+ temperatures.
loved the photo of the feet in flip-flops!

Indsendt af: Fatu

As always, some beautiful photos Louise! It´s good that you were there to capture these moments cos I´m sure the Usual Suspects can´t remember most of them :)
Take care and remember you´re welcome in Khartoum any time!

Indsendt af: Sili

Great Pictures Louise!! makes it a lot easier to survive the first day at work... We should think about a Usual Suspects Reality Show on TV on do this for a living ;-)

Indsendt af:

Great shots as always louise! So much the normal eye doesn´t catch - especially after 20 beers! Big Hug to Miss Unreseitable - Rue

Indsendt af: Guiclou

Aloha Louise,
I just wanted to check 5 min the Brugge pictures and finally I spent my (working) day traveling all around the world trough your eyes Louise, and what a great travell !!! Merci Beaucoup Louise...;-)

Indsendt af: Elena

Hi Louise,

I never left any comment before, just to let you know that i enjoy your photos so much... all of them!. Kiss, Elena

Indsendt af: Per

Hi Lola,
Tak for kanon fed tur til Paga og de sejeste billeder.
Kæmpe kys herfra :D

Indsendt af: Tim

Hej hej Luisita,

you are doing a wonderful job with the camera ! And it´s great to have you arround, hope to see you somewhere soon. Besos...Tim

Indsendt af: Natalie

Un beso para tí!

Indsendt af: Franziska

Hej hej!
Fantastic to look back to the wonderful-copenhagen-times last winter! It was great to be a part of the Flying Circus team.
Hope to see you in Switzerland at a Freespeed tournament some time!!

Indsendt af: karina may

Hej søde!

Fantastisk at hører hvad du går og laver,-du kommer sgu da omkring!
Savner dig, vi må snart finde på noget ik.

>Kram Karina K May

Indsendt af: Daphne

Wow. I am really glad you shared these. KP said you were a photographer, but I had no idea how good you were!

Indsendt af: fatboy

Major of CPH? Where!!!
Cool pics.

Indsendt af: claudia

the beauty in the world seen throught beautiful eyes: Louise.
Thanks for sharing it with us,

Indsendt af: Ina

hej Louise, virkelig gode billeder og endnu engang tak for sidst i Spanien..

Indsendt af: kristian

nogle dejlige billeder af amager stranden har du taget, louise. tak for det og kom snart igen på besøg.

Indsendt af: dani

Louise, thanks for the pics.

It´s always good to relive some awasome ultimate moments instead fo writing a thesis!


Indsendt af: fatima

Louise, thanks for offering us a door down memory lane. As always, you´ve got the eye for catching that perfect magical moment....

Everyone, make sure you visit the "real" world. The pix from Angola are just divine.

Indsendt af: Micha

WOW louise ... i´ve been visiting your page pretty often - and i do enjoy it every time. keep on going and thanks for all the good memories you keep in pictures !

Indsendt af: Tom

cool pics - thanx a lot. thank god it´s friday evening - so let the weekend and the party start.
greetz from Elsau (Switzerland)

Indsendt af: Markus

Your pictures made my friday afternoon in the office enjoyable!! reminds me of a great time in Barna.
the costums were soooo great
echo from innsbruck

Indsendt af: Theodor

Hej Louise.
Jeg har med stor fornøjelse læst din artikel om turen til Angola og pløjet din hjemmeside igennem.Alt sammen spændende læsning. Den kække og friske pige har fået prøvet nogle grænser af fornemmer jeg.
Tak for at måtte læse artiklen.
Pas på dig selv.
Mange hilsener
En gammel fan.

Indsendt af: Craig Nacho

Miss you in B´more already!!!

Indsendt af: brendan

i guess by the next time i check my e-mail (2 months) your angola pics will be ready! the teaser looks great, i might actually check sooner!

Indsendt af: Pierluigi

I made a tour on your site: I like it.
Waitng for other pictures...

Indsendt af: lucie

Ciao bella,
I already visited your site a few times, but forgot to say....
I like your pictures and you look soooo gut.
See you soon & I´m waiting for the nightlife in Copenhagen. Get ready.
;) Lucie

Indsendt af: Miquel

see you soon beauty

Indsendt af: Miqui

ja,ja, nice ones crazy danish. I like the wierd close up pictures. Amazing pictures, especially Harry catch looks wild. Kisses beauty. I signed the guestbook, ji,ji.

Indsendt af: Ze´ Luis

Hey Louise, thanks for showing us your beatiful eye memories! :-)

Indsendt af: kristian

hej louise, der er mange sjove billeder og der viser bare at vi har haft en rigtig god tid. jeg glæder mig også at vi har nu en hemmelig sprog det forstår kun mine danske venner. =)

Indsendt af: sasha

Louie, wonderful pictures from NYB 2004! Keep up the good work. ...

Indsendt af: thyl

I just went through the Porron pictures and now I feel even worse that I could not make it...


Indsendt af: Mya

Hej Louis star. Du er og blir min sejeste veninde:-) Håber du blir fejret med maner på din store dag! Glæder mig kæmpe meget til at se dig ved juletid. Mange knus og svedige kram til dig fra det mørke Afrika. XXX

Indsendt af: Jesper

Hej Louie, sidder i Boston og kigger på dit site. Very nice. Der er sket en del siden sidst: jeg er sgu immigreret til USA, ansporet af den kære 24-års regel. Jeg har lige været ude i solen og diske lidt med Brian, som du mødte Skt. Hans aften. Herligt. Håber vi kan ses omkring juletid, når jeg er tilbage i DK. Hils pigerne. Mvh Onkel Jesper fra USA :)

Indsendt af: Ignacio

Hi Louise,
Love your website. Cool design! and cool pics!

Indsendt af: Arcadio

In Spanish, the letter “H” does not sound. I like especially the silence of Café Sommerlyst, Autumn 2002 and Faith; but the sound of Bangladesh is still in this room. Humour and humanity, both with “H”: silence (in Spanish) and sound (in many other languages). Thanks Louise. Besos,

Indsendt af: Kuki

OK, OK, I´ll wait another day :-))



Indsendt af: Kukí

Nice pics all around!
Can´t wait til the Oktoberfest ones will be on-line :-)



Indsendt af: Mikkel

Hej D!

Jes jes nice pigs...;-)...Nej OK det er en fed hjemmeside du har fået lavet. Fede actionbilleder fra ultimate, og din historier fra turneringerne sætter osse tingene lidt i perspektiv. Vi ses snart.

Knus Mikkel

Indsendt af: Aaarpi

Hej Lolise,
Imponerende flot billedgalleri! Sejt at kunne lave sådan noget. Synes især frisbee-portrætterne er ret fantatstiske. Susanna

Indsendt af: paul schuster

great pics louise! always something to tease the eye and make me want to join the party! keep up the fantastic work and keep us curious.

Indsendt af: Miquel

Hey, Louise, here I am signing your guestbook. This is my first time doing that, and I like it. Your page is great and amazing and inspiring and.... ji,ji. joking. I really like it. I don´t know what the other people say in that guest book. cool miquel

Indsendt af: Mig selv

Synes I er lidt for pæne ... Det ligner jer da ikke.

Indsendt af: Dorthe Egebech

Kære Louise
Det ser flot ud - glæder mig til at se mere fremover...

Indsendt af: Etak

Ecin noitalipmoc, Esiuol. Nothing ordinary, i like it!

Indsendt af: Niels Ole

Hej Louise, spændende hjemmeside. Jeg vil gerne ind på din private side!! Kan det lade sig gøre?
Hav det godt

Indsendt af: Storesøster

Storesøster MEGET imponeret af Lillesøsters ufattelige evne til at se situationen, fange den og vise den til os andre dødelige....

Indsendt af: Storesøster

Få dig et RIGTIGT arbejde....


Indsendt af: Brokmåsen

Flot, godt og proft designet.

Keep up the good work eller vi skal komme efter dig!

Indsendt af: Franjo

Frækt! Både hjemmeside og indhold.
Er især vild med dine actionbilleder fra Ultimate. F

Indsendt af: bf

nice work, you are improving greatly young jedi.

Indsendt af: Annette

Jeg føjer mig til rækken af fans...
og har blot et enkelt spørgsmål: Hvad skal det ikke ende med?

Til lykke med det. Kh Annette

Indsendt af: Mette

Flot, lækkert, elegant, smart. Held og lykke med det.

Indsendt af: Vibeke

Amazing! Mere af den slags...Vibeke

Indsendt af: Jens Peter

Det ser jo knaldgodt ud - mere!

Karma fra JP

Indsendt af: Mille

Hej Louise!

Super flot hjemmeside - jeg er sikker på mange vil kigge forbi og komme i godt humør!!

Knus Mille

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© Copyright Louise Dyring Nielsen